Further to the command issued by Zanjan Governor-in-charge, a technical team under the name of Working Group of Production Facilitation and Barriers Removal came to being. As the name speaks for itself, the main goal of the team is solving and facilitating the existing troubles and barriers in minor and major industries locating in Zanjan province. Members of the team are consisted of Governor-in-charge as head and leader of the team, head of Zanjan’s industry, mine and trade, head of department of Zanjan social welfare, Zanjan’s head of tax department and other senior authorities of Zanjan. The team tries to carry out its goals by visiting and holding meeting in a factory per a month and also inviting other limited number of factories to be participants in the meeting so that they could share and discuss their own problems.

This time Aria Rang Derakhshan hosted the team of Working Group of Production Facilitation and Barriers Removal. in the meeting held in ARD, as an introduction and start up, director manager of the factory, Mr. Bolouri welcomed the presence of audiences then he went on sharing the existing problem in ARD factory which mostly related to power supply, lack of Optical Fiber Technology in the factory and also available barriers in process of custom clearance and so on…

    At the end of the meeting, Mr. Haghighi Governor of Zanjan addressed relative people in charge to step forward and accompany ARD solving its problems and Finally, after paying visit of production lines (printing and lamination), Mr. Haghighi along with other accompanies left the factory to Zanjan.

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