طبق روال گذشته و جاری شرکت آریا رنگ درخشان ، مراسم تجلیل و تقدیر از کارگران نمونه 3 ماهه سال ( پرسنل نمونه بهار 98 ) در تاریخ 1398/05/20 برگزار شد.

آقایان یوسف اسکندری ، غفار صالحی ، اصغر بابایی و وحید رجبی بعنوان پرسنل نمونه 3 ماهه اول سال 1398 انتخاب شدند.

همچنین از آقای صمد مرادی بعنوان کارگر نمونه ایمن 3 ماهه اول سال 1398 تجلیل به عمل آمد.

On occasion of Industry and mine national day, Zanjan organization of Industry, Mine and Trade held an official congress celebrating and awarding nominated top industry, mine and guild by presence of prime minister of Ministryof Industry, Mine and Trade and Zanjan Governor-in-Charge and other authoritieson June 14 , 2019.

In this event, ARD was awarded with Golden Statue as a top industrial unit.

According to recent months of Arya Rang Derakhshan Company, a birthday party was held for the staff born in June with the presence of the relevant staff at the company’s cafeteria.

  Further to the command issued by Zanjan Governor-in-charge, a technical team under the name of Working Group of Production Facilitation and Barriers Removal came to being. As the name speaks for itself, the main goal of the team is solving and facilitating the existing troubles and barriers in minor and major industries locating in Zanjan province. Members of the team are consisted of Governor-in-charge as head and leader of the team, head of Zanjan’s industry, mine and trade, head of department of Zanjan social welfare, Zanjan’s head of tax department and other senior authorities of Zanjan. The team tries to carry out its goals by visiting and holding meeting in a factory per a month and also inviting other limited number of factories to be participants in the meeting so that they could share and discuss their own problems.

This time Aria Rang Derakhshan hosted the team of Working Group of Production Facilitation and Barriers Removal. in the meeting held in ARD, as an introduction and start up, director manager of the factory, Mr. Bolouri welcomed the presence of audiences then he went on sharing the existing problem in ARD factory which mostly related to power supply, lack of Optical Fiber Technology in the factory and also available barriers in process of custom clearance and so on…

    At the end of the meeting, Mr. Haghighi Governor of Zanjan addressed relative people in charge to step forward and accompany ARD solving its problems and Finally, after paying visit of production lines (printing and lamination), Mr. Haghighi along with other accompanies left the factory to Zanjan.

On occasion of International workers’ Day, Aria Rang Derakhshan like previous years, celebrated International Workers’ Day on May 11 by presence of almost whole the staff and also some of provincial authorities.

In this ceremony which held by presence of Ahmad Bigdeli (Representative of Khodabandeh City in Parliament), Dr. Ayoub Bigdeli (Governor of Khodabandeh City), Mr. Nabatchiyan (Zanjan Head of House of Industry, Mine and Trade), Mr. Taghilou (Area Colonel of Islamic Republic of Iran Police Force), Mr. Khamseh (Ministry of Governor Khodabande city), Mr. Norouzi  (Head of the Department of Cooperative, Labor and Social Welfare of Khodabandeh city) and finally Mr. Esmaili (Head of the Department of Industry, Mine and Trade of Khodabandeh city).

At the beginning of the ceremony, Mr. Bolouri, Director Manager of ARD, first congratulated SHABAN month and workers’ day then appreciated the efforts of ARD’s staff. In rest of his speech and by addressing the title of the year 1398 which is named by supreme leader of Iran as “Boosting Production”, he declared “we as an industrial group expect the authorities to accompany us in order to be able to deal and cope with production obstacles and all the regulations should be aligned with production support”

At the end, he emphasized on Mr. Bigdeli’s role as the representative of Khodabande’s people in Iran’s Parliament who can convey the existed troubles and obstacles in country’s industry.

The ceremony continued with Mr. Bigdeli’s speech (Parliament Representative); first he congratulated SHABAN month as well, then he expressed his happiness and satisfaction for founding and existing of ARD factory with an international potentiality in Khodabandeh city. Finally, he promised to discuss and share the available problems and obstacles with top authorities in parliament.

After Mr. Bigdeli, Mr. Taghilou (Area Colonel of Islamic Republic of Iran Police Force) took the stage for giving speech. Like the other speakers, he also felicitated SHABAN month in beginning of his speech then he emphasized on the role of Police Force in providing security in society which can be a small help in domestic production.

At the end, the ceremony continued with Mr. Mr. Nabatchiyan (Head of House of Industry, Mine and Trade of Zanjan). As usual he emphasized on support of provincial industry and also authority’s sympathy and accompany with them hoping result in development in province (Zanjan) industry.

This ceremony went on with awarding the top and diligent personals who had a good performance in last 3 months, beside that a staff with the title of ‘Safe Worker” was also awarded because of his precision observing safety regulations.
At the final stage of the ceremony, Year-Top Personnel Dr. Asghar Mohammadi was also awarded, beside him Mr. Behzad Khalaji was appreciated as Year-Brilliant Personnel.

And finally, the company held birthday party to whom their birth-day coincided with this ceremony.