Aria Rang Derakhshan believes in Training as a solution achieving his goals , in fact it is considered as strategies in doing so.Since in ARD labor force is known as the most valuable capital and also in favor of efficiency , we believe training is the best and effective approach toward such basic principle.
From other side due to the continuous changes and modifications which are being occurred in available processes and machineries , ARD has taken steps toward training as a dynamic and continuous principles involves in all departments.
Therefore , in line with company’s strategies, training department has considered the following missions as scientific factors whose main purpose is promotion of labor force in a wide aspect :
1. efficeiency and effectiveness enhancement presenting product and customer satisfaction by :
Knowledge Management , quality improvement , boosting and updating of personal ability , knowledge , skills , job qualifications and human resources by holding general and specialized training courses and final evaluation.
compiling and preserving valid resources in book , journals , digitals , drawings and catalogues format for the accessibility of staffs.
2. Optimization of human relationships in administrative system with the aim of training and retraining:
promoting basic principle of group and systematic activities by emphasizing on standardization and culturalization which can be achieved through evaluating and following of determined obligations.
3. creating a convenient and a suitable atmosphere in favor of Research and Development aligning with organizational goals and quality improvement in all procedures.
To achieve such goals , a training hall with all required equipment , a specific library and a comprehensive training schedule have been provided which associates with training standards concerning with recognition of available challenges , required knowledge and skills in order to cover all necessary training requirement.
The outmost activities of training and QI department within year 1397 are as following :
1. Training need-assessment and preparation of Training schedule in colander format by :
doing survey through departments with regard to training needs
filling the submitted questioner by staff and self-declaration for required training courses
2. holding the confirmed training courses in year 1397 including:
more than 800 man-hour of general training courses
more than 1000 man-hour of HSE training courses in different field of health and safety align with organizational needs.
more than 1000 man-hour specialized courses for production department regarding the machineries.
participating of 18 staff in different Seminars , national and international conferences out of organization for more than 100 man-hour
3. evaluation of training courses from effectiveness point of view and sending the result of them to relative departments
4. ranking of all staffs in all departments according to personal knowledge and skills